ibu gw pengen pergi ke rumah uwa gw eh terjebak hujan, dan gw baru mau bebenah masalah themes di blog gue yang baru malah terbentur masalah koneksi, apa kata dunia, habis gelap terbitlah terang. oleh karena itu gw sangat bersemangat walaupun harus menjadi yang terbaik dan gw akan menjadi orang yang paling keren sedunia. horeee yapp dan saya akan menjadi orang yang harus dilakukan dengan dia alhamdulillah
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Lagi Edit Theme Untuk Blog Baru
Sekarang ini lagi asik utak-atik theme baru untuk salah satu website saya yang paling saya cintai, yaitu wikie semoga website ini bisa profitable dan benar-benar akan menggemukkan dompet saya. untuk domain yang sekarang ini saya akan usahakan untuk membuatnya secara profesional dan tanpa ditinggal2 lagi seperti biasa.
First Post di Pagi Hari
ya kembali lagi saya memposting tulisan yang menarik di pagi hari ini semoga bisa menghibur anda semua, saya tadi lihat filem robot di televisi ceritanya sangat seru dan ringkasannya kira-kira seperti ini : robot masa lalu akan dimusnahkan dan diganti dengan robot yang baru dengan dasar uang. namun ada satu robot yang akan menyelamatkan itu
Yang Terakhir Hari ini
ini adalah postingan terakhir untuk hari ini, dan insyaAllah akan dilanjutkan pada esok hari, semoga tambahan empat artikel dalam satu hari ini mampu memberikan angin segar untuk saya sebagai pemilik blog2 dummy untuk dapat cepat terindex sempurna di mesin pencari. dan semoga project seo saya semuanya bisa berjalan dengan mulus. amiinn
Malam yang Semangat
sekarang saya sedang menjalani malam yang penuh semangat, karena saya akan melakukan rencana besar malam ini, mulai ganti themes sampai dengan posting di iklan baris link farm ini. saya jadi seneng karena saya bisa mengaktualisasikan bahasa saya kepada orang yang saya kehendaki. terima kasih rek silahkan baca terus jangan malu-malu.
Jangan Satu Doang Postingannya
gak boleh cuma sekali dalam memposting berita dalam satu hari, hendaknya harus lebih dari dua kali, dan ini adalah postingan saya yang kedua, semoga bisa membangkitkan gairah saya dalam blogging sehingga saya bisa survive dalam kehidupan majemuk yang hebat banget itu, semoga amin dan untuk kesekian kalinya saya ingin sekali memberikan sebuah backlink untuk google tercinta. semoga bisa diberi keringanan oleh pihak yang onoh.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Mengapa Wikipedia Selalu di TOP
gw bingung deh kenapa situs wikipedia selalu berada di halaman atas google, padahal kan situs itu biasa aja, cuma emang sih internal linkingnya oke punya, tapi kan itu dapet dari bantuan plugin, tapi ya... biasa aja lah toh gw juga gak terlalu mikirin si wikipedia itu, karena sekarang gw udah punya wiki sendiri yaitu wikie wikie.. yuhuu
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Picnic Backpack New Era
Today, picnic is commonly activities for busy people. So, everyone now need a picnic. in last time we always use travel bag when we will go to vacation. But in now, we use picnic backpack to bring our needed in vacation.
we are think more simply when we will go to travel, we can get any goods in directions place. So, we have abandon big travel bag. and use the picnic backpack.
the things that always bring in picnic small bag like plastic glasses, blanket, napkins and other simple important picnic items. so now people are choice the picnic back pack when going to vacations.
we are think more simply when we will go to travel, we can get any goods in directions place. So, we have abandon big travel bag. and use the picnic backpack.
the things that always bring in picnic small bag like plastic glasses, blanket, napkins and other simple important picnic items. so now people are choice the picnic back pack when going to vacations.
picnic backpack
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Is Picnic Sets Worth ?
Go to some place in the weekend can make the aura positive on monday, when you go to work first day week. But it can be a great doble positive aura if you making a plan before.
One of plan content is prepare the picnic sets for the holiday. You must be done this step, because the vacation is very interesting when saturday comes. Prepare all picnic set before friday, so that you will be able good mood on saturday.
When is the day better for going picnic? Saturday is great day, if you did not have any jobs at day. Because going vacation also make your body tired. So, you will be recharge on sunday and start the monday more fresh
One of plan content is prepare the picnic sets for the holiday. You must be done this step, because the vacation is very interesting when saturday comes. Prepare all picnic set before friday, so that you will be able good mood on saturday.
When is the day better for going picnic? Saturday is great day, if you did not have any jobs at day. Because going vacation also make your body tired. So, you will be recharge on sunday and start the monday more fresh
picnic sets
Monday, September 21, 2009
Just Family Picnic or More ?
Go to any place every week together with family is a good way to be harmony family. So, make the vacation is not just picnic ordinary, be a great picnic every week with your family.
So that, it must be planning before. You must be collect your family to talk together about the vacation. Don't thinking that you can do it alone. Because everyone in the family has their own suggest.
Broken picnic usually occured if they did not have any planning before. So make the planning before saturday come is important thing to get positive energy on next monday.
So, be planning father !
So that, it must be planning before. You must be collect your family to talk together about the vacation. Don't thinking that you can do it alone. Because everyone in the family has their own suggest.
Broken picnic usually occured if they did not have any planning before. So make the planning before saturday come is important thing to get positive energy on next monday.
So, be planning father !
family picnic
Sunday, September 20, 2009
No Picnic Recipes No Picnic
One of the important things in the weekend vacations is food. When we arrive at the destiny place, I very interest to talking with son and my wife while eating some foods. So, i think no picnic recipes no vacation.
We must prepare the picnic recipes before going to vacation place. If you want to make the picnic food, try to do something simply. Don't make the difficult recipes, because you not go to cooking festival. You only want to having fun with your family.
The food are like sandwich, salad, pie and etc. Simple foods but can make the happy ambiance
picnic recipes
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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